Allergic Rhinitis: Understanding Seasonal Allergies and the Treatments

By Violet Kwan – June 23, 2022

Imagine that you walk outside and instantly recognize that one tree with bloomed flowers. You walk to class and hear the symphony of sniffles and sneezes. This may not be hard to imagine, and in fact, this may be something you are currently experiencing.

Over 400 million people around the world suffer from what one may commonly refer to as “seasonal allergies” or “hay fever”, which has the medical term “allergic rhinitis”.  Specifically, allergic rhinitis is an allergic response to particular allergens in the environment from plants.  Pollen is one of the most common allergies in the world. Over tens of millions of Americans alone suffer from pollen allergies as the fine powder is dispersed through air and animals.

Examples of the most common seasonal allergens corresponding to each season include: 


  • Tree Pollen:

    • Tree pollen is finer than other pollen. Because of this and their lightness, the wind can carry it for miles. This makes it hard to avoid when trees are in their pollinating season. 


  • Grass Pollen

    • There is a multitude of grasses, but only a few are known to cause symptoms. One can check if these are commonly grown in their area.

    • Bahia, Bermuda, Fescue, Johnson, Kentucky blue, Timothy


  • Ragweed

    • Ragweed grows in the wild, especially on the east coast and midwest. About 15% of Americans are allergic to ragweed as it travels hundreds of miles in the air


  • Mold

    • Mold can grow indoors, which releases airborne mold spores

Reasons for Allergic Rhinitis:

You may be familiar with the physiological reaction to these allergies, but what really happens when your body comes into contact with allergens? 

When an individual feels the side effects of allergies, they are experiencing the effects of histamine–a chemical secreted by the immune system. It plays a role in inflammation, dilates blood vessels, and more. These side effects are inconvenient for many and are often treated through antihistamines. 

A deeper look into Antihistamines:

Antihistamines are medicines that are one of the most common and accessible ways to treat allergic rhinitis. Antihistamines are classified as two major subtypes. The first subtype called H-1 receptor antagonists (blockers) is used to treat allergy symptoms. The second subtype is called H-2 receptor antagonists (blockers) which can help treat motion sickness, nausea, vomiting, and gastrointestinal-related problems. Antihistamines are substances that are able to bind and block the receptor that histamines would bind to. This can help to prevent allergy symptoms before they occur or minimize its severity. 

“Overview of Antihistamine” Accessed April 2022


While the immune system individual who has allergies will automatically respond to these allergens, there are a multitude of treatments and preventions. 

Medical (for a comprehensive list of brands and side effects, look here)

  • Over-the-counter or prescription antihistamines 

  • Decongestants 

  • Corticosteroids: relieves symptoms by reducing inflammation

  • Allergen immunotherapy (consult a medical professional)

    • Subcutaneous injections: a doctor administers shots that contain specific allergens in order for the individual to build tolerance through small and constant exposure

    • Sublingual immunotherapy: through tablets or drops under the tongue, this treatment can help with grass and ragweed allergies


  • Air conditioners with filters

  • Keep windows closed 

  • Limit time outdoors or wear a dust mask 

  • Nutritional foods such as herb butterbur, some probiotics, or honey

    • These have seen the experimental benefit, but still, require acknowledgment of side effects and continual research)

It is easy for someone to walk into a store and purchase allergy medications without knowing how it works. While it may seem bothersome or hard to do, it is important to be properly informed of what one uses and how it works, as with any medication or treatment. 

Violet Kwan

B.S. Psychobiology – Class of 2024