The Benefits and Implications of Cryolipolysis

By Chanel Mao – August 30, 2022

Do you ever wish you could just strip the fat from your body? Cryolipolysis, more commonly known as CoolSculpting™, is the non-surgical freezing and removal of fat deposits throughout the body. As this technique is non-invasive and targets the layer of fat directly underneath the skin, cryolipolysis is a popular alternative to the more traditional and invasive liposuction procedure. 

Cryolipolysis is possible due to the fact that fat freezes at higher temperatures compared to other tissues during frostbite, thus destroying the body fat without harming skin cells. By first applying a protective gel layer onto the skin, an applicator can be used to freeze the targeted fat cells underneath. Throughout the treatment, roughly a quarter of the exposed fat cells are broken down and eventually removed from the area by macrophages — cells that are primarily involved in the detection and removal of cellular debris and harmful bacteria. The area is also massaged afterwards in order to aid in the breakdown process.

The most common motivation for fat removal procedures is aesthetics, thus safety and small immediate down time take priority when considering procedures. Many cosmetic surgeons and specialists therefore prefer cryolipolysis over liposuction because it is not as risky or detrimental to one’s overall health when comparing the two. Unlike liposuction, no open wound is created with cryolipolysis, thus resulting in a more appealing and relaxed recovery process. However, wWhile there is no physical lesion inflicted with cryolipolysis, there is still a risk of acquiring uneven skin texture or irregularity. Additionally, the process of freezing fat is not an immediate one — several sessions are often needed to achieve optimal results and a recovery period of three to six months is needed in order for these results to be noticeable.

In conjunction with the risks that can occur as a result of cryolipolysis, several precautions should also be taken before administering treatment. Patients who are significantly overweight or classified as obese should not undergo cryolipolysis as it is only intended for fat spot reduction and should not be regarded as a weight loss method. Areas with skin lesions, varicose veins, and/or dermatitis should be avoided to prevent further aggravation. Additionally, patients with extreme cold sensitivity — conditions like Raynaud’s phenomenon, cryoglobulinemia, paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria, and others — are not suitable for cryolipolysis treatment.

While there are a few risks to consider before seeking cryolipolysis treatment, most patients are generally satisfied with their results. Although cryolipolysis sounds like an appealing solution to fat loss, it is important to be able to differentiate between idealistic and realistic expectations. General procedural costs range between several hundreds of dollars to thousands, so it is important to weigh all the pros and cons before making a decision. Additionally, if you do decide to undergo a fat removal procedure of any kind, make sure to see a certified physician in order to minimize any risks.

Chanel Mao

Psychobiology – B.S. Class of 2024