Approved Masks for the Omicron Variant

By Brandon To – March 24, 2022

Nowadays, masks are an essential part of daily life. The types of masks range from N95s to cloth masks with printed designs of Baby Yoda on them. However, with the spread of the highly contagious Omicron variant of COVID-19, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released new guidelines regarding masks on January 14, 2022. Following these guidelines, summarized below, will help keep yourself and those around you healthy.

From left to right in the table below, you will find the good, better, and the best masks to use against the Omicron variant as recommended by numerous medical officials such as LA County’s Public Health Department and UC Davis Health


Cloth masks

The cloth masks you wear must have at least three layers of cloth to offer you enough protection from bacteria and viruses that can spread through droplets in the air. The cloth’s first two layers have to be tightly woven fabric. The third layer should be non-woven fabric like a synthetic or mask filter insert. Be sure to wash and dry them after about 24 hours of use or if they are visibly soiled.

UC Davis Health, “Which mask protects best against the Omicron variant,”, accessed Jan 2022


Surgical Masks

These masks are the ones you typically see on doctors or nurses, especially in TV shows and movies. Surgical masks are not washable and should not be worn for more than 24 hours. To reuse them, store them in a cool and dry place for 24-48 hours or in a clean paper bag before using them again.

UCSF Health, “Training and Internships | For Health Professionals,”, accessed Jan 2022


Double masking

When double masking, it is critical that you wear the surgical mask on the inside. This will offer more secure protection. The cloth mask should be worn on the outside.

Los Angeles County Public Health Department, “How to wear a mask properly,” , accessed Jan 2022


NIOSH Approved Respirators/N95/KN95/KF94 Masks

Masks of this degree filter out 95% or more microparticles in the air. These masks are extremely effective and offer the best protection. Essentially, the number in the name refers to the amount of microparticles filtered out (e.g. N95 = 95% microparticles filtered out). Similar to surgical masks, to reuse your respirator, hang it up in a cool and dry place or in a paper bag for at least 24-48 hours. Obtain a new respirator if the current one has been used more than five times or if it is compromised. To see a list of National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Approved Respirators, please visit their website.

Mike Stobbe, “CDC encourages more Americans to wear N95 masks to slow spread of COVID-19”,, accessed January 2022


Regardless of the mask you choose to wear, the mask must:

  • Be comfortable to wear especially if you plan to wear one for long periods of time

  • Fit snugly around your chin and nose to reduce any large gaps

  • Have at least 3 layers of cloth

Brandon To

B.S. Bioengineering – Class of 2023