How to Lift Like a Pro

By Gibran Hassan – December 22, 2021

Have you ever walked into a gym and felt extremely out of place? Walking into a public gym for the first time can be extremely intimidating for many reasons, one of which is a lack of knowledge about lifting and form. But with some practice and a little research, weight training can provide substantial benefits to the body, such as increased strength and fat loss. Be careful though, because lifting incorrectly can hinder benefits and lead to severe injuries. By using the tricks and tips below, you will be lifting like a pro in no time. 

General Tips 

Lift the appropriate weights: One of the leading causes of injuries in the gym is overexertion by attempting to lift too much weight. When lifting, make sure you are lifting weights that are comfortable and are not causing pain. Additionally, you should be able to do 10-15 reps with the weight comfortably depending on the exercise. 

Warmup adequately: Skipping warming up is another leading cause of gym injuries. Not warming up properly or for long enough causes the muscles to tense up and cramp during lifting. This can lead to strained or torn muscles along with joint and tendon injuries. 

Rest: Resting muscle groups between exercises is critical to making sure the body heals properly and is rested for future workouts. Make sure not to work out the same muscle groups two consecutive days in a row, instead switch up your workout between each muscle group. 

Listen to your body: If you experience any pain during a workout, do not try to push through it. Listening to your body is a very important part of keeping yourself safe and making sure you do not injure yourself. 

Exercise and Proper Form 

Lifting with proper form is the most important aspect to make sure you are not injuring yourself. Back injuries are the most common form of gym injuries and can often cause long-term problems. Below are some of the most common lifting exercises performed in the gym. Follow the techniques outlined to make sure you are performing these exercises in proper form. Below are the proper form and technique for two main lifting exercises: squats and bench press. 


Barbell squats are thought of as the quintessential lifting exercise, yet doing them improperly leaves you extremely prone to injuries. Squats help activate multiple muscle groups, joints, and bones all at once, which helps increase lower body strength. When doing squats: 

  • Make sure the barbell is centered on your back

  • Feet shoulder-width apart

  • When squatting, your back should be straight and your head should be up

  • Make sure to put pressure on your heel instead of the ball of your feet

  • Make sure when rising from the squat to squeeze your glutes and hamstrings to not wobble or topple over. 

The biggest mistake that leads to injuries while squatting is arching your back too much. This causes significant strain on the lower back and leads to injuries. By following the technique above you should be able to squat safely and with proper form. 

Here’s a video showing the proper squat technique.  

Bench Press

The bench press is universally known as the most common lift and for good reason.  The bench press is an essential workout that significantly increases upper body strength and increases muscle gains in the chest, upper shoulder, and triceps. When bench pressing, make sure: 

  • Your feet are planted firmly on the ground with tension on your hamstrings and glutes 

  • Your head, shoulder blades, and back are planted firmly on the bench

  • When lifting,  your grip should be about shoulder-width apart and your lower back should be arched. 

  • Use a spotter when you are lifting a significant amount of weight 

  • When lifting, keep your elbows and grip stable to maintain balance 

  • Make sure to touch your chest in a controlled manner for every rep of the bench press. Do not bump the bar off your sternum. 

The most common injury on the bench press is injuring the rotator cuff around the shoulder. To prevent this injury, use an amount of weight you can lift comfortably, and warm up and stretch before exercising. Lifting with tense shoulder muscles can lead to significant injuries. 

Here’s a video explaining the proper technique 

Although weightlifting may seem overwhelming and intimidating at first, with practice and research it becomes surprisingly simple. With proper technique and form, weightlifting can be the perfect tool for increasing overall body strength and adding muscle mass.

Gibran Hassan

B.S. Biochemistry – Class of 2023